
Nifty Site of the Week: Codecademy

You may be a tech wanting to learn a new programming skillset, or a relative Web newbie trying to understand your resident Web geek’s mentions of HTML, CSS, and other cryptic acronyms. Either way, could be a great match for you. Codecademy is a free service that makes learning to code into a game,…

Markup Languages and the Web

Markup languages are a critical aspect of websites, the building blocks of most webpages today. They generally fall into one or more of three types: Presentational markup: Design-related commands, such as formatting text on a Web browser’s screen. HTML is a nearly-universal example. Procedural markup: Instructions for programs which process the files. This includes PostScript…

Webpage Layouts: Tables vs CSS

Just like a newspaper would be tough to read through if each article were on its own page and thrown in a pile, users struggle with webpages which lack a layout design. Laying out your pages properly can help with the visual organization of a webpage and let people find what they want quickly and…