Malware Removal How-To

We’ve all had troubles with our computers: malware, viruses, slow speeds, spyware, you name it. Here’s a link to a nifty set of free malware removal tools with detailed instructions for each of them. It may take a few hours to run through everything, but this handy resource should clean up your Windows system well,…

Beginning Web Designer Resources

Here are the elements I’d recommend to be a Web designer (as opposed to a Web programmer): -Learn the *design* aspect. There’s much more to making websites than throwing code together. Check out The Non-Designer’s Design Book or The Non-Designer’s Web Book for information on layout, typography, colors, and much more. -Get a decent grounding…

Graphics Programs on the Cheap, Part II: Basic Editors

So you’ve stepped up from the single-task graphics apps and you want something a wee bit robust. Where do you go if you’re not flush with cash? Here are a few options: Microsoft Paint – Ah, good old Paint. No, I’m not saying you should all your entire graphics design work on this little program,…