Beginning Web Designer Resources

Here are the elements I’d recommend to be a Web designer (as opposed to a Web programmer): -Learn the *design* aspect. There’s much more to making websites than throwing code together. Check out The Non-Designer’s Design Book or The Non-Designer’s Web Book for information on layout, typography, colors, and much more. -Get a decent grounding…

Programming Language Popularity

It’s a well-known fact to those who frequent this blog (all three of you) that I’m rather fond of pounding out a bit of code — that’s computer programming, for you non-geeks — every so often. My experience goes back to when I was a wee lad… I’ve grown up with computers for as long…

Automate Your Lead Follow-Ups, Part I

I went to a job fair this week. What’s that have to do with Web business? Usually, not too much. This time, though, one company impressed me with their use of media automation. Instead of waiting for me to call them back, which would have been reasonable considering the number of people who came to…

Web Beauty? What’s the Point?

Those of you who aren’t natural aesthetes/Ponytails will be wondering if this subject could apply to you. There’s no beauty in pursuits such as programming and business development, is there? Au contraire! I take a broad view of the term. Yes, of course an artist will see beauty in an elegant design, a pleasing color…