Twitter Marketing for Dummies, Part I

True social media guru Kyle Lacy was kind enough to send me his new book, Twitter Marketing for Dummies, to review. This is the summary overview, the first installment in a series where I talk about said book and post some of the most interesting excerpts. Enjoy! When I hear “Twitter” and “marketing” in the…

Quick Website Promotion Ideas

A client of mine just asked how to go about promoting a business website. I fired off a few ideas, then thought that the same advice would be helpful for a larger audience. Here ya’ go! Start a mailing list. Gather customers’ email addresses (with permission), then send them periodic newsletters about product specials, advice…

Your Web Department Is Not Optional

Your business paid a consultant to build your website, or a propeller-head whipped up one in-house. It’s live, ready for throngs of traffic, so your site is able to be left alone now, right? Wrong. The company’s Web Department might not be very big. It may only be one person, or it may be outsourced.…

Businesses Embrace(?) Social Media

Excerpt from Businesses to learn about social media Burlington Free Press; May 25, 2009 As social media forums evolve, they are quickly becoming an essential tool for business. But, social media gurus say, businesses need to learn to give up control over their message and participate in a dialogue with the public and online “influencers.”…

Tech-Savvy Reverse Mentors

Young adults these days seem like they were born with an iPhone in one hand and a Web-surfing laptop in the other, constantly Facebooking and texting. Just idle time-wasters, or tech-savvy business resources? The Harvard Business blog’s post, Let Gen Y Teach You Tech, stands solidly on the latter side: Once derided as sandboxes for…

What’s Your Social Media Strategy?

Excerpt from Should my company use Facebook, Twitter and social media? By Chip Hanna, Ft. Worth Business Press, May 25, 2009 It does your company no good to dive into social media without a solid strategy, with goals, guidelines and tactics. What is your ultimate goal? How are you going to achieve it? Who is…

Social Media? Like, Befriending a Reporter?

As you’ve probably heard, social media (SM) is the newest rage in this Web 2.0 world. While the Web has long been more related to newspapers than conferences, countless social network services have revolutionized it. The Internet has moved from a broadcast medium to a social, community-driven one. Control of website content has largely been…

Newsletters from Podunk

If you’re doing business in a small town, you may wonder why you should bother setting up a website at all. You’re too far away from the big city for crowds of people to come to you. What’s the use? Even aside from planning to move your business to a metropolis or selling your current…