Broadcast vs Web Promotion

It has often been said that social media involves interaction with potential customers more than direct selling. Here’s an explanation for the uninitiated: Understanding the Difference Between Online and Offline Dynamics The concept of marketing with social media is similar to a conversation. Imagine you meet someone at an event who could eventually become a…

Programming Language Popularity

It’s a well-known fact to those who frequent this blog (all three of you) that I’m rather fond of pounding out a bit of code — that’s computer programming, for you non-geeks — every so often. My experience goes back to when I was a wee lad… I’ve grown up with computers for as long…

.CO Domains Released: Gold Rush or Fool’s Gold?

Associated globally with the words “COmpany,” “COrporation” and “COmmerce” – the .CO domain is easy to recognize, simple to remember and flexible to use. And that makes it the perfect platform for today’s socially networked individuals, entrepreneurs and companies to create .COmmunities, share .COntent, and .COnnect, .COmmunicate and .COllaborate. You’re virtually looking at the proud…

Automate Your Lead Follow-Ups, Part I

I went to a job fair this week. What’s that have to do with Web business? Usually, not too much. This time, though, one company impressed me with their use of media automation. Instead of waiting for me to call them back, which would have been reasonable considering the number of people who came to…

Quick Website Promotion Ideas

A client of mine just asked how to go about promoting a business website. I fired off a few ideas, then thought that the same advice would be helpful for a larger audience. Here ya’ go! Start a mailing list. Gather customers’ email addresses (with permission), then send them periodic newsletters about product specials, advice…

Web Beauty? What’s the Point?

Those of you who aren’t natural aesthetes/Ponytails will be wondering if this subject could apply to you. There’s no beauty in pursuits such as programming and business development, is there? Au contraire! I take a broad view of the term. Yes, of course an artist will see beauty in an elegant design, a pleasing color…

Associated Press vs the Web: A Cautionary Tale

Though it’s focused on the newspaper industry, the lesson in this poignant news update  applies to any traditional business attempting (or resisting) re-invention to survive in the Webbed world. The Associated Press, seeing their empire crumbling because of the shift in content distribution from print news to the Internet, is fighting back: Taking aim at…