Giving Thanks on Turkey Day

A Turkey.

Image via Wikipedia

Ah, Thanksgiving! You get a day off of work, stuff yourself to the gills on feasts of turkey and pumpkin pie, get together with friends and family for a party, and watch football games and parades on TV. What a great way to celebrate!

Celebrate what? What’s the reason for all this festivity? What’s “Thanksgiving” truly mean, anyway? Who do we thank, and what for?

Image via Wikipedia

Everybody knows about the “first Thanksgiving”, Pilgrims, Indians, feasting, and all that. While there are a variety of “Thanksgiving” celebrations in various lands and debates on exactly what happened on the most famous one in the US, the principle still stands: We should give thanks to God for what He’s given us, whether it’s food on the table, safe travels, a great family, talents, success, or other blessings.

While many of us do this on at least a daily basis (ever heard Grandpa say “let’s give thanks” before a prayer?), this day is a particularly good reminder for how we have much to be thankful for. Take a moment today to thank the One who has given you everything, including your very body and soul. Happy Thanksgiving.

the traditional origin of modern Thanksgiving in the United States is generally regarded to be the celebration that occurred at the site of Plymouth Plantation, in Massachusetts, in 1621. The Wampanoag Native Americans helped the pilgrims who arrived in Massachusetts cultivate the land and fish, saving them from starvation. This harvest celebration occurred early in the history of what would become one of the original Thirteen Colonies that later were to become the United States. This Thanksgiving was modeled after harvest festivals that were commonplace in Europe at the time.

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