Wazzal: Space Pirateering Game

Jolly Roger flown by Calico Jack Rackham. Bott...
Image via Wikipedia

Sometimes you come across a random old game that’s actually pretty interesting and fun to play.  I recently found Wazzal, a space pirate game which fits the bill nicely. It’s good for whiling away the time every so often when you’re not out looking for a cure for cancer, eliminating world hunger, or exploring the mystery of how you have ten different socks in your drawer and no matches.

Anyhow, you’ll be too busy searching for gold and knocking out enemy ships to worry about what’s on your feet. Here’s an excerpt from the author’s synopsis:

Wazzal is a freeware single player space privateering game. Capture a ship to become an interplanetary pirate! Fly your ships in our solar system and accomplish missions while gathering a fleet of ships to fight bigger foes.

Mankind had spread to pretty much everywhere in the solar system forming the Federation. Then came the aliens. They claimed that our sun would blow up in a great big supernova and that they were here to rescue all those who had enough money. Good business for the aliens you might say. The Federation collapses into wars and corruption. You too, decide to seize the opportunity to gather enough money to be saved. With your closest crewmates you capture the ship you are working on, Wolf IV, to become interplanetary pirates. There is no time to lose, you must gather enough loot to win your salvation.

Check it out! Wazzal: Space Pirateering Game
Wazzal: Space Pirateering Game

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